
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Will an increased combination of rich classroom talk and deliberate acts of teaching of spelling and punctuation, accelerate shift across all learning areas?

TEACHING analyse and appropriately use assessment information which has been gathered formally and informally

After the writing test it highlighted that my students had a lack of comprehension as to the use of punctuation. We were also lacking in ideas and spelling of lists 1,2,3 …

Design for learning Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme

Focus 1:
Increase our spelling accuracy.
Provide the first 3 lists on the board, play word swat games, include these words in our reading programme (read, speak,write,find)
Have a weekly 10 minutes of writing down as many words as you can correctly.
Record this in a graph and present weekly to the students - with certificates for bronze, silver, gold

Focus 2:To create a better understanding of what punctuation is and how to use it correctly.Use sentence buddy to help develop this skill in a fun way. Make connections in big book, poems, guided reading. Add punctuation to the board alongside the list 1,2,& 3 words.


Focus 3:
To produce more ideas in our writing.
Every 2nd week to provide a picture that the students can add other pictures to for example “My day at the Beach”
Lots of opportunity for oral language to discuss what they have experienced when they went to the chosen place.
Make the picture on their ipad and label what they have added.
Talk about their picture again through the shared TV
Write a recount together including what they added/found at the chosen place
Separately go off and write their own recount using their created picture to help them.