
Thursday, 14 June 2018

Reading results Term 2

Looking at reading result graph at syndicate meeting:

We discussed where the students need to be by the end of the year, Green level 12-14 and what changes we could make to our programmes to help the students achieve this target. To report back with ideas at the next meeting, Tuesday week 8. Where we will also be hearing a report from the Reading recovery teachers to advise us of trends that they are noticing on the 6 year net.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


It is week 6 of term 2 and we are up to letter 'Rr" of our stage 2 phonics, (second time around). We have been covering 5 letter sounds per week and in the second time around the capital letter of the sound is being introduced.
Students have been a lot more engaged at writing time after introducing the sound and high frequency word card from the Yolanda phonics course. During shared writing the students are encourage to find the sound we can hear at the beginning of a spoken word. It is like a little competition as students see who can put their finger on the correct sound first, or shout out what colour flower we need to be looking at to find our high frequency word.
Our big whiteboard is now set up with a picture card and next to it the capital and lowercase letter that matches the first sound of the picture, for example Kk kangaroo.
Spelling is part of our reading rotation where we get to practise our list of words, writing them out on the whiteboards and taking photos of them in our reading books, highlighting them and then recording us saying the word on our iPads.
It is testing week this week so I will share the results as I get them.